Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day 10 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 10:

Today I finished off the rest of the looping assignments. This will be my final hour and overall JavaScript was a great experience. ✌

Day 9 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 9:

Today I learned how to loop in JavaScript. Looping is a feature which facilitates the execution of a set of code/functions if its conditions evaluate as true.

Looping helps speed up the processes. Instead of typing out each line of code individually, looping duplicates code in a fixed manner.

On my next and last day, I'm going to finish off looping with some more challenges and a final project and end it there. 😆

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Day 8 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 8:

Today I finished off the rest of the "IF" statement challenges that I couldn't finish in the last hour. Some cool terms I learned were the "else" statement which was basically an alternative to an "IF" statement if that "IF" didn't happen.

The challenges were definitely a lot more challenging than the last, however, they were a lot more fun and I can definitely see more potential in this code like decision-based games.

On my next day, I'll learn looping. Hopefully it will be less difficult than today's work! 🎉

Day 7 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 7:

Today I started "IF" statements on JS. During today's session, I learned how to activate a code line while doing another action. For example, if I use the statement "mouse is pressed" I can control when to paint by pressing and dragging rather than just dragging and making a mess on the canvas.

The next day, I'll be finishing off other "IF" statement challenges on JS. 😁