Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 6 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 6:

        Today I learned about functions, a little more difficult than the other lessons but I made it through. With functions, I can create multiple objects without going through big code processes. For example, instead of using 4 line codes to create a rectangle, I can just use the function "rect();" as written in the JS documents. All in all, functions are a huge time-saver for especially big projects when needing multiple objects.

        One cool thing I learned about today is that most JS code functions are undefined and need to be in order to work. With this, I realized that Khan Academy has been holding my hand throughout the whole journey so far, giving me commands like "ellipse();" or anything included in the documentation below to give me an easier time drawing with shapes I am more familiar with instead of giving me commands to create my own shapes.

        On my next day, I will be learning and understanding Logic and IF statements on JavaScript Coding. 🙌

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Day 5 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 5:

Today I learned about text and strings in JS and how it can be used to create text on the canvas. This lesson was pretty easy compared to the last two and from my experiences with the challenges from the challenges, I can say that this lesson's functionalities would definitely be used quite often in the upcoming challenges

Nothing especially cool this lesson either than the fact that I have the ability to write text and words on my projects.

Next day, I will be learning about functions and their functionalities on JavaScript Code. 🤔

Day 4 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 4:

Today I learned about Resizing Variables (bonus). With this, I can resize multiple objects using variables and math expressions to precisely get a certain size and shape I want.

In my next session, I will explore text and strings!!1! 😉

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 3 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 3:

        Today I learned about interactive programs. By changing values of x and y to mouseX and mouseY I can control where the position of an object would be with a stroke of my mouse.

        By far I find this to be the coolest lesson I've learned so far, as it provides interaction and involvement of whoever is using the program. This gives many opportunities to make many cool things, such as games with precise movements and strokes.

Tomorrow I'll be learning about resizing with variables and using text and strings. 👌

Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 2 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 2:
       Today I learned about animation coding on Javascript. I have completed the challenges above in the time given and was quite shocked by how much more difficult and time-consuming it was than drawing pictures.

       One cool thing I learned today was shortcuts in code. Instead of writing full-length codes, like "StarWidthX = StarWidthX * 99/100" I can just write "StarWidthX = *99/100". Adding the extra variable especially one with a long name is a struggle to type out. So to know these little shortcuts is an ease to my fingers.

      In my next hour, I will be exploring and learning about interactive programming in JavaScript. 😢

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 1 - JS Drawing & Animation

First Day -

       Today I started the intro to JS animation on Khan Academy and learned some useful drawing commands such as shapes, colours and a bit about variables to help me save some time. In while doing this I have completed many of the challenges above to better improve my skills as a code writer.

       One cool thing I learned today, was that organization is key to a clean and successful coding. In JS, I can write subscripts on the side that help me organize my codes under specific titles so I don't have to backtrack to and edit every little code to find my place.

       In my next hour, I will be learning about Animation Basics and Interactive Programming 😎