Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 6 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 6:

        Today I learned about functions, a little more difficult than the other lessons but I made it through. With functions, I can create multiple objects without going through big code processes. For example, instead of using 4 line codes to create a rectangle, I can just use the function "rect();" as written in the JS documents. All in all, functions are a huge time-saver for especially big projects when needing multiple objects.

        One cool thing I learned about today is that most JS code functions are undefined and need to be in order to work. With this, I realized that Khan Academy has been holding my hand throughout the whole journey so far, giving me commands like "ellipse();" or anything included in the documentation below to give me an easier time drawing with shapes I am more familiar with instead of giving me commands to create my own shapes.

        On my next day, I will be learning and understanding Logic and IF statements on JavaScript Coding. 🙌

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