Friday, June 19, 2020

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Forest

Cave Spelunking

Finding a Change of Clothes

A drawing

A Cannibal Village

Structure integrity of my base

Finished Product
Day 2:

Today I explored caverns fought some cannibals and special creatures called Armsies and Virginias. They had rather decent loot, but what I was mainly looking for were creepy armour, which is the best armour in the game. I also found some extra loot like a change of clothes and some components to craft better equipment. The caves were rather dark and spooky so I found myself returning to overworld. There I found a cannibal village and found a place to settle down and build my shelter.

Tips & Tricks

Here are some cool little tricks I learned on my Journey!

  • When cutting down trees, push the falling tree in the direction you want it to fall. This prevents the tree from falling on your buildings and friends.
  • Make a torch by putting a stick in your hand and interacting with a campfire. This tool is a direct upgrade from the lighter as it emits even greater light to see better in caves.
  • Craft Effigies, by using the arms and legs of cannibals,  with this you can scare off cannibals from invading your base.
  • Building a base, near a body of water. This gives an infinite water source.
  • Crafting a Drying Rack, This allows meat to age and not spoil.
  • Crafting a Log sled allows you to pinpoint areas. Such as a base, an important cave or structure.

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