Friday, June 5, 2020

Sketchup Lesson 2 - Rubik's Cube


I started by making a 5' x 5' square and raised it upwards 5'. Next, I used the measuring tape tool to measure where my next cube would be with precision. I decided to place it 2 inches apart from each other. I then copied duplicated the cubes and arranged them into a 3x3 shape. Repeating the last steps I copied and pasted until I had a 3x3x3 shape. Lastly, I created columns and duped them into each corner of the cube. To finish off, I coloured the cubes accordingly and gave the columns a concrete-like material.


Like the First cube, I started with a 5' x 5' cube which I then duped them into a 4x4 shape. Spaced them 2' apart. Then I stacked 3 more layers on top while keeping 2' apart per row. Next, I coloured them and added columns with rock-like material.

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