Friday, June 19, 2020

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Forest

Cave Spelunking

Finding a Change of Clothes

A drawing

A Cannibal Village

Structure integrity of my base

Finished Product
Day 2:

Today I explored caverns fought some cannibals and special creatures called Armsies and Virginias. They had rather decent loot, but what I was mainly looking for were creepy armour, which is the best armour in the game. I also found some extra loot like a change of clothes and some components to craft better equipment. The caves were rather dark and spooky so I found myself returning to overworld. There I found a cannibal village and found a place to settle down and build my shelter.

Tips & Tricks

Here are some cool little tricks I learned on my Journey!

  • When cutting down trees, push the falling tree in the direction you want it to fall. This prevents the tree from falling on your buildings and friends.
  • Make a torch by putting a stick in your hand and interacting with a campfire. This tool is a direct upgrade from the lighter as it emits even greater light to see better in caves.
  • Craft Effigies, by using the arms and legs of cannibals,  with this you can scare off cannibals from invading your base.
  • Building a base, near a body of water. This gives an infinite water source.
  • Crafting a Drying Rack, This allows meat to age and not spoil.
  • Crafting a Log sled allows you to pinpoint areas. Such as a base, an important cave or structure.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Game Journalism Day 1 - The Forest

Site of a Plane Crash (Spawn)



A Cannibal's Leg (Weapon)

Campfire (Light Source/Cooking Utility)

Platter (Used to give items to others)

Day 1 -

What type of game is it?

The forest is an open-world horror survival game, where players have to fight against nature's elements and the occasional cannibals. Landing in a forested peninsula, players must survive by crafting weapons, shelter, and other tools.

Beginning and How to play?

When I first spawned in, I found myself in a plane crash, with the remnants of other passengers. However, resources are very limited and shelter is insufficient against cannibals. This game is a resource-based game, where you must gather and loot supplies from various locations.  To progress in this game is to survive and upg
rade your equipment to survive against the struggles of the forest.

In my next hour...

I will be finding a secure and secluded location to build my base. I will also be setting up traps nearby to stop the cannibals from attacking me in the night. And maybe will be exploring a bit of the caverns.

Sketchup Lesson 4 - 3-D Print Simple Designs

I started by making a 25mm x 50mm rectangle and raising it to a height of 25mm. Using the measuring tool I measured where the shapes were going to be. Then when making the shapes I made sure the ones that were going to be holes were 0.5mm bigger than the pegs. Next, I pushed in the holes 15 mm and raised the pegs 14.50 mm, making the holes deeper than the pegs to give them room to fit. To finish I added my name and coloured everything.
I began with a 50mm x 50 mm square. Which I then raised 25mm. Then when making the shapes I made sure the ones that were going to be holes were 0.5mm bigger than the pegs. Next, I depressed the holes 10 mm and raised the pegs 9.5 mm, making the holes deeper than the pegs to give them room to fit. To finish I added my name and coloured everything.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Sketchup Lesson 3 - 3D Printer Designs

To start off I made a 1' x 1' square and raised it up 1'. After that, I used the letter tool to individually type out letters and placed each of them on separate surfaces of the cube. Next, I added a smiley face using the arch and rectangle tool. To finish off I added my name and coloured the whole cube.

Sketchup Lesson 2 - Rubik's Cube


I started by making a 5' x 5' square and raised it upwards 5'. Next, I used the measuring tape tool to measure where my next cube would be with precision. I decided to place it 2 inches apart from each other. I then copied duplicated the cubes and arranged them into a 3x3 shape. Repeating the last steps I copied and pasted until I had a 3x3x3 shape. Lastly, I created columns and duped them into each corner of the cube. To finish off, I coloured the cubes accordingly and gave the columns a concrete-like material.


Like the First cube, I started with a 5' x 5' cube which I then duped them into a 4x4 shape. Spaced them 2' apart. Then I stacked 3 more layers on top while keeping 2' apart per row. Next, I coloured them and added columns with rock-like material.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Sketchup Lesson 1 - Tiles

I made rectangles 15' long and  5' wide and spaced them 3 inches apart until I got a 3x3 pattern. Then copied the pattern of rectangles and pasted it 3 inches upwards.
I made 6x6 inch squares and 12x12 inch squares. I then copied my squares and pasted accordingly until It matched the pattern.
I made 24x12 and 12x24 squares and aligned them to make the first row. I then copied and rotated them to complete the rest of the rows.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day 10 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 10:

Today I finished off the rest of the looping assignments. This will be my final hour and overall JavaScript was a great experience. ✌

Day 9 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 9:

Today I learned how to loop in JavaScript. Looping is a feature which facilitates the execution of a set of code/functions if its conditions evaluate as true.

Looping helps speed up the processes. Instead of typing out each line of code individually, looping duplicates code in a fixed manner.

On my next and last day, I'm going to finish off looping with some more challenges and a final project and end it there. 😆

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Day 8 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 8:

Today I finished off the rest of the "IF" statement challenges that I couldn't finish in the last hour. Some cool terms I learned were the "else" statement which was basically an alternative to an "IF" statement if that "IF" didn't happen.

The challenges were definitely a lot more challenging than the last, however, they were a lot more fun and I can definitely see more potential in this code like decision-based games.

On my next day, I'll learn looping. Hopefully it will be less difficult than today's work! 🎉

Day 7 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 7:

Today I started "IF" statements on JS. During today's session, I learned how to activate a code line while doing another action. For example, if I use the statement "mouse is pressed" I can control when to paint by pressing and dragging rather than just dragging and making a mess on the canvas.

The next day, I'll be finishing off other "IF" statement challenges on JS. 😁

Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 6 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 6:

        Today I learned about functions, a little more difficult than the other lessons but I made it through. With functions, I can create multiple objects without going through big code processes. For example, instead of using 4 line codes to create a rectangle, I can just use the function "rect();" as written in the JS documents. All in all, functions are a huge time-saver for especially big projects when needing multiple objects.

        One cool thing I learned about today is that most JS code functions are undefined and need to be in order to work. With this, I realized that Khan Academy has been holding my hand throughout the whole journey so far, giving me commands like "ellipse();" or anything included in the documentation below to give me an easier time drawing with shapes I am more familiar with instead of giving me commands to create my own shapes.

        On my next day, I will be learning and understanding Logic and IF statements on JavaScript Coding. 🙌

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Day 5 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 5:

Today I learned about text and strings in JS and how it can be used to create text on the canvas. This lesson was pretty easy compared to the last two and from my experiences with the challenges from the challenges, I can say that this lesson's functionalities would definitely be used quite often in the upcoming challenges

Nothing especially cool this lesson either than the fact that I have the ability to write text and words on my projects.

Next day, I will be learning about functions and their functionalities on JavaScript Code. 🤔

Day 4 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 4:

Today I learned about Resizing Variables (bonus). With this, I can resize multiple objects using variables and math expressions to precisely get a certain size and shape I want.

In my next session, I will explore text and strings!!1! 😉

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 3 - JS Drawing & Animation

Day 3:

        Today I learned about interactive programs. By changing values of x and y to mouseX and mouseY I can control where the position of an object would be with a stroke of my mouse.

        By far I find this to be the coolest lesson I've learned so far, as it provides interaction and involvement of whoever is using the program. This gives many opportunities to make many cool things, such as games with precise movements and strokes.

Tomorrow I'll be learning about resizing with variables and using text and strings. 👌